News - Feb, 6

Africa's Wildlife Conservation

Brightpoint Group is proud to participate in a critical conservation initiative. This project addresses the urgent need for biodiversity preservation in Africa, a continent facing severe environmental threats due to deforestation and wildlife decline.

Entrepreneurs Launch Conservation Investment Initiative To Safeguard Africa’s Wildlife

The UN's 2022 biodiversity conference revealed a significant financing gap in nature preservation efforts. To bridge this gap, the AMES Foundation, initiated by Dr. Marlon Braumann, aims to make biodiversity conservation both profitable and scalable. The AMES Habitat Fund, overseen by Marios Michaelides, is an innovative investment vehicle targeting the protection of vital ecosystems and endangered species.

Brightpoint Group, with around EUR 7 billion AuAM, is instrumental in ensuring transparency and accountability in the management of the AMES HabitatFund.
Our commitment reflects our dedication to environmental protection and our conviction that effective nature conservation requires cooperative, innovative approaches.

Brightpoint is dedicated to this cause, recognizing its importance for the planet and future generations.